Anyone can leave the body and do astral traveling, but they have to believe that ' they can do ' this. It is quite useless for a person to put out repelling thoughts of disbelief, or thoughts such as 'I cannot do' such a thing. Actually, it is remarkably easy to Astral Travel when one gets over the first hurdle of fear. Fear is the great brake.
Lobsang RampaWhen you die, i.e., when your physical body is finished with this earth ... and your astral entity goes on to the astral world ... it has to stand alone and answer for successes and failures.
Lobsang RampaEverything is just electricity and magnetism; everything is only an illusion. The reality is in the spiritual plane.
Lobsang RampaAnyone can leave the body and do astral traveling, but they have to believe that ' they can do ' this. It is quite useless for a person to put out repelling thoughts of disbelief, or thoughts such as 'I cannot do' such a thing. Actually, it is remarkably easy to Astral Travel when one gets over the first hurdle of fear. Fear is the great brake.
Lobsang Rampa