It’s important that someone celebrate our existence," she objected amiably. "People are the only mirror we have to see ourselves in. The domain of all meaning. All virtue, all evil, are contained only in people. There is none in the universe at large. Solitary confinement is a punishment in every human culture.
Lois McMaster BujoldPeople give themselves to you, in their talking, and in other ways, if you are quiet and patient and let them, and not in such a damned rush to give yourself to them you go bat-blind and deaf.
Lois McMaster BujoldYour Reverence, I do not hate any man in this world enough to inflict the results of my prayers upon him.
Lois McMaster BujoldFor a while, I thought I was going mad. At last, I became reconciled to my despair. The medications helped, too, I thought, sir.
Lois McMaster BujoldAdulthood isn't an award they'll give you for being a good child. You can waste years, trying to get someone to give that respect to you, as though it were a sort of promotion or raise in pay. If only you do enough, if only you are good enough. No. You have to just take it. Give it to yourself, I suppose. Say, I'm sorry you feel like that and walk away. But that's hard
Lois McMaster Bujold