Regularity in the hours of rising and retiring, perseverance in exercise, adaptation of dress to the variations of climate, simple and nutritious aliment, and temperance in all things are necessary branches of the regimen of health.
Lord ChesterfieldTo know a little of anything gives neither satisfaction nor credit, but often brings disgrace or ridicule.
Lord ChesterfieldEither a good or a bad reputation outruns and gets before people wherever they go.
Lord ChesterfieldIn business be as able as you can, but do not be cunning; cunning is the dark sanctuary of incapacity.
Lord ChesterfieldMen, as well as women, are much oftener led by their hearts than by their understandings.
Lord ChesterfieldVanity, or to call it by a gentler name, the desire of admiration and applause, is, perhaps, the most universal principle of humanactions.... Where that desire is wanting, we are apt to be indifferent, listless, indolent, and inert.... I will own to you, under the secrecy of confession, that my vanity has very often made me take great pains to make many a woman in love with me, if I could, for whose person I would not have given a pinch of snuff.
Lord Chesterfield