A cheerful, easy, open countenance will make fools think you a good-natured man, and make designing men think you an undesigning one.
Lord ChesterfieldArtichoke: That vegetable of which one has more at the finish than at the start of dinner.
Lord ChesterfieldHorse-play, romping, frequent and loud fits of laughter, jokes, and indiscriminate familiarity, will sink both merit and knowledge into a degree of contempt. They compose at most a merry fellow; and a merry fellow was never yet a respectable man.
Lord ChesterfieldI am provoked at the contempt which most historians show for humanity in general; one would think by them, that the whole human species consisted but of about a hundred and fifty people, called and dignified (commonly very undeservedly too) by the titles of Emperors, Kings, Popes, Generals, and Ministers.
Lord Chesterfield