Every man becomes, to a certain degree, what the people he generally converses with are.
Lord ChesterfieldPleasure is the rock which most young people split upon; they launch out with crowded sails in quest of it, but without a compassto direct their course, or reason sufficient to steer the vessel; for want of which, pain and shame, instead of pleasure, are the returns of their voyage.
Lord ChesterfieldEndeavor, as much as you can, to keep company with people above you.... Do not mistake, when I say company above you, and think that I mean with regard to their birth; that is the least consideration; but I mean with regard to their merit, and the light in which the world considers them.
Lord ChesterfieldSpeak of the moderns without contempt and of the ancients without idolatry; judge them all by their merits, but not by their age
Lord Chesterfield