To take a wife merely as an agreeable and rational companion, will commonly be found to be a grand mistake.
Lord ChesterfieldWhatever poets may write, or fools believe, of rural innocence and truth, and of the perfidy of courts, this is most undoubtedly true,--that shepherds and ministers are both men; their natures and passions the same, the modes of them only different.
Lord ChesterfieldOur prejudices are our mistresses; reason is at best our wife, very often heard indeed, but seldom minded.
Lord ChesterfieldIt is an undoubted truth, that the less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in. One yawns, one procrastinates, one can do it when one will, and therefore one seldom does it at all.
Lord ChesterfieldAs kings are begotten and born like other men, it is to be presumed that they are of the human species; and perhaps, had they thesame education, they might prove like other men. But, flattered from their cradles, their hearts are corrupted, and their heads are turned, so that they seem to be a species by themselves.... Flattery cannot be too strong for them; drunk with it from their infancy, like old drinkers, they require dreams.
Lord Chesterfield