No man can possibly improve in any company for which he has not respect enough to be under some degree of restraint.
Lord ChesterfieldOne man affirms that he has rode post a hundred miles in six hours; probably it is a lie; but supposing it to be true, what then? Why, he is a very good post-boy; that is all. Another asserts, and probably not without oaths, that he has drunk six or eight bottles of wine at a sitting; out of charity I will believe him a liar; for if I do not, I must think him a beast.
Lord ChesterfieldStudy the heart and the mind of man, and begin with your own. Meditation and reflection must lay the foundation of that knowledge, but experience and practice must, and alone can, complete it.
Lord ChesterfieldArtichoke: That vegetable of which one has more at the finish than at the start of dinner.
Lord Chesterfield