The iron did not remember the blood it had once moved within, the phosphorous had forgot the savage brain.
Loren EiseleyI was a shadow among shadows brooding over the fate of other shadows that I alone strove to summon up out of the all-pervading dusk.
Loren EiseleyYou think that way as you begin to get grayer and you see pretty plainly that the game is not going to end as you planned.
Loren EiseleyIt is a funny thing what the brain will do with memories and how it will treasure them and finally bring them into odd juxtapositions with other things, as though it wanted to make a design, or get some meaning out of them, whether you want it or not, or even see it.
Loren EiseleyOf all the unexpected qualities of an unexpected universe, the sheer organizing power of animal and plant metabolism is one of the most remarkable. . . . Where it reaches its highest development, in the human mind, we forget it completely. . . . So important does nature regard this unseen combustion . . . that a starving man's brain will be protected to the last while his body is steadily consumed.
Loren Eiseley