It is the members of this business elite . . . that pose the greatest danger to our American way of life. They are the ones who've bought and paid for members of both political parties. . . .
Lou DobbsMy council to Ted [Turner] is that he should watch Fox Business. He'll be elated to find how much substance there is in our news.
Lou DobbsHe [Barack Obama] is been boffo at fundraising - 220 fundraisers, and he raised something approaching $1 billion.
Lou DobbsWe expect a horse race, ... The reality is that competition drives all innovation. Intel did nothing with its 386 chip for five years until AMD introduced its own version in 1991.
Lou DobbsThe idea that a reporter has to be 'fair and balanced' is ridiculous. The fact is, the truth usually is not fair and it's not balanced. Truth stands by itself. And the idea that something called fair and balanced is a substitute for truth and fact is mindless nonsense that has captured much of the national media.
Lou Dobbs