The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in the insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding.
Louis D. BrandeisHistory is not life, but since only life makes history, the union of the two is obvious.
Louis D. BrandeisThe tax-exempt privilege is a feature always reflected in the market price of [municipal] bonds. The investor pays for it.
Louis D. BrandeisMost of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.
Louis D. BrandeisNearly all legislation involves a weighing of public needs as against private desires; and likewise a weighing of relative social values.
Louis D. BrandeisWe learned long ago that liberty could be preserved only by limiting in some way the freedom of action of individuals; that otherwise liberty would necessarily yield to absolutism; and in the same way we have learned that unless there be regulation of competition, its excesses will lead to the destruction of competition, and monopoly will take its place.
Louis D. Brandeis