I hope to come back to Iran again if it pleases Allah; I hope to be your guest again, and I hope that Allah will bless me to speak at Salat al-Jumu'ah. I pray for our success and the success of all good thinking righteous people who want to see a world come into existence that is better than the world that we inherited.
Louis FarrakhanGod ordains opposition so that he may prove to the opponents, who are many in number, to the few that God chooses to bless, that if God's hand is with that few, the many cannot oppose and be successful.
Louis FarrakhanFidel Castro had universal health care for all Cubans, and universal education for all the Cuban people, no money required. This was his challenge.
Louis FarrakhanI am a Warner from God to America and the nations of the Earth by God's Permission. God is destroying America by degrees with The Forces of Nature, which you have no power against! ... The Death Angel is in America as we speak - these natural disasters are going to increase.
Louis FarrakhanThe fear of being uncovered, the fear of being made known for their wickedness is what is driving the ADL and that Synagogue of Satan, false Jews to pin the label on me as an anti-Semite. This is something they feel they must do in order to cover the evil that they have done or are a party to.
Louis Farrakhan