The Apache don't have a word for love," he said. "Know what they both say at the marriage? The squaw-taking ceremony?" "Tell me." "Varlebena. It means forever. That's all they say.
Louis L'Amourviolence is an evil thing, but when the guns are all in the hands of the men without respect for human rights, then men are really in trouble.
Louis L'AmourLiving a life is much like climbing mountains-the summits are always further off than you think, but when a man has a goal, he always feels he's working toward something.
Louis L'AmourActors, politicians, and writers-all of us are but creatures of the hour. Long-lasting fame comes to but few.
Louis L'AmourThere will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.
Louis L'AmourWhen I was a small boy I often went to the woods to lie on the grass in the shade. Somehow I had come to believe the earth could give me wisdom, but it did not. Yet I learned a little about animals and learned it is not always brave to make a stand. It is often foolish. There is a time for courage and a time for flight.
Louis L'Amour