…for no matter how lost and soiled and worn-out wandering sons may be, mothers can forgive and forget every thing as they fold them into their fostering arms. Happy the son whose faith in his mother remains unchanged, and who, through all his wanderings, has kept some filial token to repay her brave and tender love.
Louisa May AlcottI put in my list all the busy, useful independent spinsters I know, for liberty is a better husband than love to many of us.
Louisa May AlcottBeth ceased to fear him from that moment, and sat there talking to him as cozily as if she had known him all her life, for love casts out fear, and gratitude can conquer pride.
Louisa May Alcott…she'll go and fall in love, and there's an end of peace and fun, and cozy times together.
Louisa May Alcott…to the inspiration of necessity, we owe half the wise, beautiful, and useful blessings of the world.
Louisa May AlcottThe thought that, insignificant as she was, she yet might do some good, made her very careful of her acts and words, and so anxious to keep head contented and face happy, that she forgot her clothes, and made others do the same. She did not know it, but that good old fashion of simplicity made the plain gowns pretty, and the grace of unconsciousness beautified their little wearer with the charm that makes girlhood sweetest to those who truly love and reverence it.
Louisa May Alcott