Innocence of heart and violence of feeling are necessary in any kind of superior achievement: The arts cannot exist without them.
Louise BoganUp from the bronze, I saw Water without a flaw Rush to its rest in air Reach to its rest, and fall.
Louise BoganThe intellectual is a middle-class product; if he is not born into the class he must soon insert himself into it, in order to exist. He is the fine nervous flower of the bourgeoisie.
Louise BoganIt is almost impossible for the poetess, once laurelled, to take off the crown for good or to reject values and taste of those who tender it.
Louise BoganBut is there any reason to believe that a woman's spiritual fibre is less sturdy than a man's? Is it not possible for a woman to come to terms with herself if not with the world; to withdraw more and more, as time goes on, her own personality from her productions; to stop childish fears of death and eschew charming rebellions against facts?
Louise Bogan