All art, in spite of the struggles of some critics to prove otherwise, is based on emotion and projects emotion.
Louise BoganI cannot believe that the inscrutable universe turns on an axis of suffering; surely the strange beauty of the world must somewhere rest on pure joy!
Louise BoganBecause language is the carrier of ideas, it is easy to believe that it should be very little else than such a carrier.
Louise BoganWhat we suffer, what we endure, what we muff, what we kill, what we miss, what we are guilty of, is done by us, as individuals, in private.
Louise BoganIt is not possible, for a poet, writing in any language, to protect himself from the tragic elements in human life.... [ellipsis in source] Illness, old age, and death--subjects as ancient as humanity--these are the subjects that the poet must speak of very nearly from the first moment that he begins to speak.
Louise Bogan