Or - perhaps - I should just worry about my own behavior and let others be who they are.
Louise PennyA good novel is a good novel, pointe finale. And I think what I'm writing is exactly that.
Louise PennyTo be silent. In hopes of not offending, in hopes of being accepted. But what happened to people who never spoke, never raised their voices? Kept everything inside? Gamache knew what happened. Everything they swallowed, every word, thought, feeling rattled around inside, hollowing the person out. And into that chasm they stuffed their words, their rage.
Louise PennyIn winter the very ground seemed to reach up and grab the elderly, yanking them to earth as though hungry for them.
Louise PennyHer voice was slightly accented but her French was perfect. Someone who'd not just learned the language but loved it. And it showed with every syllable. Gamache knew it was impossible to split language from culture. That without one the other withered. To love the language was to respect the culture.
Louise Penny