We were so ready [with Valerian] that we were early, which is unheard of in the history of the sci-fi film.
Luc BessonIt's always the small people who change things. It's never the politicians or the big guys. I mean, who pulled down the Berlin wall? It was all the people in the streets. The specialists didn't have a clue the day before.
Luc BessonBe humble and say okay, all right, I have to prep myself. So everybody prepped, and we finished the film [Valerian ] four days before the end.
Luc BessonIf you're someone from the government and you meet people from other countries, you want to know who you're dealing with. It's the same for them [in Valerian].
Luc BessonYou know, money will never save anyone. Compassion can save someone, love can save someone, money will never save anyone. And as long as the entire society will put money first... Money should be like third or fourth or fifth, I'm not saying lets get rid of money, but how can we put money as number one? As the only value, like if you are rich, you're famous you go VIP, why? It's just insane, the way we've transformed the society.
Luc Besson