You can purchase the mind of Pascal for a crown. Pleasures even cheaper are sold to those who give themselves up to them. It is only luxuries and objects of caprice that are rare and difficult to obtain; unfortunately they are the only things that touch the curiosity and taste of ordinary men.
Luc de ClapiersMen dissimulate their dearest, most constant, and most virtuous inclination from weakness and a fear of being condemned.
Luc de ClapiersWhatever affection we have for our friends or relations, the happiness of others never suffices for our own.
Luc de ClapiersAll that causes one man to differ from another is a very slight thing. What is it that is the origin of beauty or ugliness, health or weakness, ability or stupidity? A slight difference in the organs, a little more or a little less bile. Yet this more or less is of infinite importance to men; and when they think otherwise they are mistaken.
Luc de Clapiers