Death is the real inspiring genius or Musagetes of philosophy, and for this reason Socrates defined philosophy as thanatou mรฉlรฉtรจ (preparation for death; Plato, Phaedo, 81a). Indeed, without death there would hardly have been any philosophizing.
Luce IrigaraySexual difference is probably the issue in our time which could be our 'salvation' if we thought it through.
Luce IrigarayTraditional morality ... does not teach us how to let the other follow his or her own path, meet with whomever he or she desires, go where he or she wants.
Luce Irigarayletting be is as important as mastering. Our tradition has encouraged us to be effective, to make or fabricate but not to let be born or let be.
Luce Irigaray