I think Enda Kenny has shown himself to be a good leader in the sense that he can accept that people might have differences of opinion with him, but at the same time can see that it's useful to have them involved and part of the team and I very much appreciate that.
Lucinda CreightonI told him last Monday that I felt the way things were going it was unlikely that I would be able to vote for the legislation.
Lucinda Creighton... I think Finance is the one that everybody aspires to, who's serious in politics, because that's where the real decisions are taken and I think it's a fascinating portfolio.
Lucinda CreightonI've always been infuriated by Bertie, I have to say. I never appreciated his style of politics. I thought it was very superficial, running around the country opening crisp packets, as they say, never really engaging with the substance of what was being debated and it clearly had a hugely negative impact on this country.
Lucinda Creighton