High blood pressure, cheeriness at breakfast, a mellowing political philosophy, and an inability to drink more than half a bottle of proof spirits at cocktail time without falling over the fire irons all suggest dark wings hovering overhead and the impending midnight croak of the raven.
Lucius BeebeGeorge Jesselโs newest pick-me-up which is receiving attention from the townโs paragraphers is called a Bloody Mary: half tomato juice, half vodka.
Lucius BeebeNew York... Babylon-on-the-Hudson, sinful, extravagant, full of the nervous hilarity of the doomed.
Lucius BeebeHigh blood pressure, cheeriness at breakfast, a mellowing political philosophy, and an inability to drink more than half a bottle of proof spirits at cocktail time without falling over the fire irons all suggest dark wings hovering overhead and the impending midnight croak of the raven.
Lucius BeebeI admire most of all The Renaissance Man, and if it can be said without pretentiousness, I like to think of myself as one, at least in some small measure. Not a Michelangelo, mark you, but perhaps a poor man's Cellini or a road company Cosimo de' Medici ... the Renaissance Man did a number of things, many of them well, a few beautifully. He was no damned specialist.
Lucius Beebe