Oh, I wish it were in my power to put men in the place of fashionable women for one six months! They should curl their hair, consult the milliner, make spongecake, do a little embroidery, wear long skirts, and dress so tightly that they could scarcely breathe.
Lucy StoneWe ask only for justice and equal rights-the right to vote, the right to our own earnings, equality before the law.
Lucy StoneI expect some new phases of life this summer, and shall try to get the honey from each moment.
Lucy StoneToo much has already been said and written about women's sphere. Leave women, then, to find their sphere.
Lucy StoneWomen are in bondage; their clothes are a great hindrance to their engaging in any business which will make them pecuniarily independent, and since the soul of womanhood never can be queenly and noble so long as it must beg bread for its body, is it not better, even at the expense of a vast deal of annoyance, that they whose lives deserve respect and are greater than their garments should give an example by which woman may more easily work out her own emancipation?
Lucy Stone