The direction of all economic affairs is in the market society a task of the entrepreneurs. Theirs is the control of production. They are at the helm and steer the ship. A superficial observer would believe that they are supreme. But they are not. They are bound to obey unconditionally the captain's orders.
Ludwig von MisesAmerican authors or scientists are prone to consider the wealthy businessman as a barbarian, as a man exclusively intent upon making money.
Ludwig von MisesEvery extension of the functions and power of the State beyond its primary duty of maintaining peace and justice should be scrutinized with jealous vigilance.
Ludwig von MisesThere is no kind of freedom and liberty other than the kind which the market economy brings about.
Ludwig von MisesWhen we call a capitalist society a consumers democracy we mean that the power to dispose of the means of production, which belongs to the entrepreneurs and capitalists, can only be acquired by means of the consumers ballot, held daily in the marketplace.
Ludwig von MisesThe philosophy underlying the system of progressive taxation is that the income and wealth of the well-to-do classes can be freely tapped. What the advocates of these tax rates fail to realize is that the greater part of the incomes taxed away would not have been consumed but saved and invested.
Ludwig von Mises