Do the American voters know that the unprecedented improvement in their standard of living that the last hundred years brought was the result of the steady rise in the per-head quota of capital invested? Do they realize that every measure leading to capital decumulation jeopardizes their prosperity?
Ludwig von MisesAs soon as the economic freedom which the market economy grants to its members is removed, all political liberties and bills of rights become humbug.
Ludwig von MisesA citizen who casts his ballot without having to the best of his abilities studied as much economics as he can fails in his civic duties.
Ludwig von MisesThe interventionist policy (big government) provides thousands and thousands of people with safe, placid, and not too strenuous jobs at the expense of the rest of society.
Ludwig von MisesEvery government intervention [in the marketplace] creates unintended consequences, which lead to calls for further government interventions.
Ludwig von Mises