No private enterprise will ever fall prey to bureaucratic methods of management if it is operated with the sole aim of making profit.
Ludwig von MisesAn entrepreneur cannot be trained. A man becomes and entrepreneur by seizing an opportunity and filling the gap. No special education is required for such a display of keen judgment, foresight, and energy.
Ludwig von MisesThe root of the evil is not the construction of new, more dreadful weapons. It is the spirit of conquest.
Ludwig von MisesThe illusiveness of this concept of national income is to be seen in its dependence on changes in the purchasing power of the monetary unit. The more inflation progresses, the higher rises the national income.
Ludwig von MisesThe uncouth hordes of common men are not fit to recognize duly the merits of those who eclipse their own wretchedness.
Ludwig von MisesOnce public opinion is convinced that the increase in the quantity of money will continue and never come to an end, and that consequently the prices of all commodities will not cease to rise, everybody becomes eager to buy as much as possible and restrict his cash holdings to minimum size... If the credit expansion is not stopped in time, the boom turns to crack-up boom: the flight into real values begins, and the whole monetary system founders.
Ludwig von Mises