Only the naive inflationist's could believe that government could enrich mankind through fiat money.
Ludwig von MisesThe word "Capitalism" expresses, for our age, the sum of all evil. Even the opponents of Socialism are dominated by socialist ideas.
Ludwig von MisesDemocracy is not a good that people can enjoy without trouble. It is, on the contrary, a treasure that must be daily defended and conquered anew by strenuous effort.
Ludwig von MisesThe essence of democracy is not that everyone makes and administers laws but that lawgivers and rulers should be dependent on the people's will in such a way that they may be peaceably changed if conflict occurs.
Ludwig von MisesThose who disagree with the dictator's plan have no other means to carry on than to defeat the despot by force of arms.
Ludwig von MisesThe consumers are merciless. They never buy in order to benefit a less efficient producer and to protect him against the consequences of his failure to manage better. They want to be served as well as possible. And the working of the capitalist system forces the entrepreneur to obey the orders issued by the consumers.
Ludwig von Mises