It is not conclusive proof of a doctrine's correctness that its adversaries use the police, the hangman, and violent mobs to fight it. But it is a proof of the fact that those taking recourse to violent oppression are in their subconscious convinced of the untenability of their own doctrines.
Ludwig von MisesThe worst evils which mankind has ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments.
Ludwig von MisesOur whole civilization rests on the fact that men have always succeeded in beating off the attack of the re-distributors.
Ludwig von MisesValue is not intrinsic, it is not in things. It is within us; it is the way in which man reacts to the conditions of his environment. Neither is value in words and doctrines, it is reflected in human conduct. It is not what a man or groups of men say about value that counts, but how they act.
Ludwig von Mises