The fact that we can describe the motions of the world using Newtonian mechanics tell us nothing about the world. The fact that we do, does tell us something about the world.
Ludwig WittgensteinWhen we think about the future of the world, we always have in mind its being where it would be if it continued to move as we see it moving now. We do not realize that it moves not in a straight line and that its direction changes constantly.
Ludwig WittgensteinI don't know why we are here, but I'm pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves.
Ludwig WittgensteinPhilosophy, as we use the word, is a fight against the fascination which forms of expression exert upon us.
Ludwig WittgensteinIt is a dogma of the Roman Church that the existence of God can be proved by natural reason. Now this dogma would make it impossible for me to be a Roman Catholic. If I thought of God as another being like myself, outside myself, only infinitely more powerful, then I would regard it as my duty to defy him.
Ludwig Wittgenstein