I've always been quite good at watching someone do something and then picking it up, so I turned that talent to watching people on the film set, and just saw how small everything was and how intimate the scenes could be.
Luke EvansWhen you're working, you're flying on someone else's buck. When you're flying on your own, you sort of go, 'You know what, I'd rather keep the dosh in my pocket to spend when I get there.
Luke EvansWhen I left school, I got a job in a shoe shop and I used to save 15 quid a week and pay for my own singing and acting lessons.
Luke EvansFor your own self-respect and sanity, your creative freedom, you have to be careful that you don't rely too much on other people's opinions of what you do because it can stunt and inhibit you.
Luke EvansIt's never the practice to shoot the scenes in the proper order. Sometimes you shoot the final scenes of a film before you've even started the beginning. So you get good at it because you have to sort of just eliminate the memories of something you've done as an actor, which you haven't done as the character yet. But it sometimes is a bit of a mind-f**k.
Luke Evans