Everyone said, ‘Brace yourself, Lupita! Keep a granola bar in that clutch of yours!’ I didn’t really understand what they meant, and it was only once it was past that I realized that my body had been holding on by a thread to get through this very intense experience. Nothing can prepare you for awards season. The red carpet feels like a war zone, except you cannot fly or fight; you just have to stand there and take it.
Lupita Nyong'oWe don't get to pick the genes we want. There's room in this world for beauty to be diverse.
Lupita Nyong'oPart of being an artist is that you are always concerned you don't have what it takes. It keeps us honest.
Lupita Nyong'oBeing called gorgeous is not a bad thing! But at the same time, I don’t want to thrive on people’s opinions of me.
Lupita Nyong'oI've worked hard to feel beautiful in my natural skin. Personally, I don't ever want to depend on makeup to feel beautiful.
Lupita Nyong'oWhen I was in the second grade, one of my teachers said, "Where are you going to find a husband? How are you going to find someone darker than you?" I was mortified. I remember seeing a commercial where a woman goes for an interview and doesn't get the job. Then she puts a cream on her face to lighten her skin, and she gets the job! This is the message: that dark skin is unacceptable. I definitely wasn't hearing this from my immediate family - my mother never said anything to that effect - but the voices from the television are usually much louder than the voices of your parents.
Lupita Nyong'o