If we had paid no more attention to our plants than we have to our children, we would now be living in a jungle of weed.
Luther BurbankScience is knowledge arranged and classified according to truth, facts, and the general laws of nature.
Luther BurbankI have seen myself lose intolerance, narrowness, bigotry, complacence, pride and a whole bushel-basket of other intellectual vices through my contact with Nature and with men. And when you take weeds out of a garden it gives you room to grow flowers. So, every time I lost a little self-satisfaction, or arrogance, I could plant some broadness or love of my own in its place, and after a while the garden of my mind began to bloom and be fragrant and I found myself better equipped for my work and more useful to others as a consequence.
Luther BurbankLess than fifteen per cent of the people do any original thinking on any subject. The greatest torture in the world for most people is to think.
Luther BurbankOf course it must, and our scientific men must be criticized boldly. They will not feel comfortable when you and I are through with them.
Luther BurbankNature is not personal. She is the compound of all these processes which move through the universe to effect the results we know as Life and of all the ordinances which govern that universe and that make Life continuous. She is no more the Hebrew's Jehovah than she is the Physicist's Force; she is as much Providence as she is Electricity; she is not the Great Pattern any more than she is the Blind Chance.
Luther Burbank