The trouble with celebrating Independence Day is that we tend to look back at what made this the great nation that it is and give little thought to a future that threatens that which free men hold dearest, namely freedom.
Lyn NofzigerI believe you can divide the people in to two basic groups, those who believe government is a necessary good and those who believe it is a necessary evil, those who want government to take care of them, those who want government to leave them alone.
Lyn NofzigerOne of the things that bothers me most is the growing belief in the country that security is more important than freedom. It ain't.
Lyn NofzigerWhen you have a gutless Congress a lawless president can do pretty much what he chooses.
Lyn NofzigerSeveral things about Reagan are unusual in a public man. He was not a typical politician at all, but a private man in public life.
Lyn NofzigerThe concerted effort to minimize Christmas has resulted in it being our national Happy Holiday holiday. The Christmas season is now the holiday season. Christmas parties are now holiday parties. Christmas is a time for giving and receiving presents and in many homes, nothing more. Who is this fellow, Jesus Christ, anyway?
Lyn Nofziger