To conclude that women are unfitted to the task of our historic society seems to me the equivalent of closing male eyes to female facts.
Lyndon B. JohnsonThe guns and the bombs, the rockets and the warships, are all symbols of human failure.
Lyndon B. JohnsonBoys, it is just like the Alamo. Somebody should have by God helped those Texans. I'm going to Vietnam.
Lyndon B. Johnson'If you let a bully come in and chase you out of your front yard, he'll be on your porch and the next day he'll rape your wife in your own bed.
Lyndon B. JohnsonWe do this in order to slow down aggression. We do this to increase the confidence of the brave people of South Vietnam who have bravely born this brutal battle for so many years with so many casualties. And we do this to convince the leaders of North Vietnam-and all who seek to share their conquest-of a simple fact: We will not be defeated. We will not grow tired. We will not withdraw either openly or under the cloak of a meaningless agreement.
Lyndon B. JohnsonNothing is more unjust, however common, than to charge with hypocrisy him that expresses zeal for those virtues which he neglects to practice; since he may be sincerely convinced of the advantages of conquering his passions without having yet obtained the victory as a man may be confident of the advantages of a voyage or a journey, without having courage or industry to undertake it, and may honestly recommend to others those attempts which he neglects himself.
Lyndon B. Johnson