I believe that the country weekly acts as a form of social cement in holding the community together.
Lyndon B. JohnsonA good president does with executive power what Pablo Picasso did with paint. He takes bills into new and slightly discomfiting territory. He puts extra eyes on policies. He moves the mouth of the Supreme Court from where it should be to where it must be.
Lyndon B. JohnsonWe need to remember that the separation of church and state must never mean the separation of religious values from the lives of public servants. . . If we who serve free men today are to differ from the tyrants of this age, we must balance the powers in our hands with God in our hearts.
Lyndon B. JohnsonYou might say that Lyndon Johnson is a cross between a Baptist preacher and a cowboy.
Lyndon B. JohnsonSo far are we generally from thinking what we often say of the shortness of life, that at the time when it is necessarily shortest we form projects which we delay to execute, indulge such expectations as nothing but along train of events can gratify, and suffer those passions to gain upon us which are only excusable in the prime of life.
Lyndon B. Johnson