I wish the air were pure oxygen, and then as it says in our chemistry book, our life would sweep through its fevered burning course in a few hours and we would live in a perfect delirium of excitement and would die vibrating with passion, for anything would be better than this lazy sluggish life.
M. Carey ThomasOne man's mind differs from another man's mind far more widely than all women's minds differ from all men.
M. Carey ThomasMy one aim and concentrated purpose shall be and is to show that women can learn, can reason, can compete with men in the grand fields of literature and science . . .
M. Carey ThomasOne thing I am determined on is that by the time I die my brain shall weigh as much as a man's if study and learning can make it so.
M. Carey Thomas. . . a woman can be a woman and a true one without having all her time engrossed by dress and society.
M. Carey ThomasI wish the air were pure oxygen, and then as it says in our chemistry book, our life would sweep through its fevered burning course in a few hours and we would live in a perfect delirium of excitement and would die vibrating with passion, for anything would be better than this lazy sluggish life.
M. Carey Thomas