The American is said to become full-flavored, and in time a most all-round man, through the polish which Europe can impart.
M. E. W. SherwoodI did not find Liverpool ugly. Her stately public buildings, broad streets, public squares, and noble statues redeem her from the charge.
M. E. W. SherwoodIf you should put a knife into a French girl's learning it would explode and blow away like an omelette soufflee.
M. E. W. SherwoodPeople who live in quiet, remote places are apt to give good dinners. They are the oft-recurring excitement of an otherwise unemotional, dull existence. They linger, each of these dinners, in our palimpsest memories, each recorded clearly, so that it does not blot out the others.
M. E. W. SherwoodRome, like Washington, is small enough, quiet enough, for strong personal intimacies; Rome, like Washington, has its democratic court and its entourage of diplomatic circle; Rome, like Washington, gives you plenty of time and plenty of sunlight. In New York we have annihilated both.
M. E. W. Sherwood