I can no more think of my own life without thinking of wine and wines and where they grew for me and why I drank them when I did and why I picked the grapes and where I opened the oldest procurable bottles, and all that, than I can remember living before I breathed.
M. F. K. FisherIt seems to me that our three basic needs, for food and security and love, are so mixed and mingled and entwined that we cannot straightly think of one without the others.
M. F. K. Fisher... there can be no more shameless carelessness than with the food we eat for life itself.
M. F. K. FisherHaving bowed to the inevitability of the dictum that we must eat to live, we should ignore it and live to eat.
M. F. K. FisherTalleyrand said that two things are essential in life: to give good dinners and to keep on fair terms with women. As the years pass and fires cool, it can become unimportant to stay always on fair terms either with women or one's fellows, but a wide and sensitive appreciation of fine flavours can still abide with us, to warm our hearts.
M. F. K. Fisher