The one-cylinder ward is one in which the bishop handles all the problems, makes all the decisions, follows through on all the assignments, and faces every challenge. Then, like any other overworked cylinder, he starts to sputter and behave erratically. Eventually, he burns out altogether.
M. Russell BallardWhen we learn to expect more success than failure in life, we soon will develop an attitude of success.
M. Russell BallardThe love that exists between people who share religious values and experiences can be the most satisfying and unifying force this side of the solid, happy family.
M. Russell BallardThe important questions focus on what matters most-Heavenly Father's plan and the Savior's Atonement.
M. Russell BallardThere is great power in prayer. I strongly encourage personal and family prayer, which are important in building strong families. I'm wondering if many of you parents, you couples, have lost that essential moment of kneeling together at the end of the day, just the two of you, holding hands and saying your prayers. If that has slipped away from your daily routine, may I suggest you put it back-beginning tonight!
M. Russell Ballard