Try to take your vision and ego as far away from the song as possible. Give as much respect as you can to the song and the initial inspiration.
M. WardIt might be a meaningless moment, but those sparks that ignite the song.... It's mystical maybe, those magic moments. And to make music for a living, to perform these songs over and over, you have to safeguard those sparks. If you can do that, they'll last a lot longer.
M. WardI went every Sunday to church when I was growing up, and I think that music had an affect on me before my memory can recall.
M. WardI remember when I was 5 or 6 years old, gospel music felt familiar, like I had heard it in the womb or something. A lot of those old gospel songs still give me that feeling, that it's older than time and there's actually music that can tap into a universal subconscious, or whatever word you want to put on it.
M. Ward