The neighborhood children, of course, were forbidden by their parents to play with my little boy, Garth, so I finally got him a little kitten to play with. A couple of weeks later we found it on the porch with its neck wrung.
Madalyn Murray O'HairI'd describe myself as a sexual libertarian - but I'm not a libertine. "To each his own" is my motto.
Madalyn Murray O'HairAn Atheists loves himself and his fellow man instead of a god. An Atheist thinks that heaven is something for which we should work for now - here on earth - for all men together to enjoy.
Madalyn Murray O'HairOnce involved in the school-prayer fight, I rapidly became aware of, and appalled by, the political and economic power of the Church in America -all based on the violation of one of our nation's canon laws: the separation of church and state.
Madalyn Murray O'HairThere are good, humanitarian people everywhere - occasionally even in the Church.
Madalyn Murray O'HairIf anybody wants to engage in any kind of sexual activity with any consenting partner, that is their business. I don't feel that I can sit in judgment on them, or that society can sit in judgment on them. Anybody can do anything they damn well please, as long as the relationship isn't exploitive. And I don't feel that legality should have anything to do with it.
Madalyn Murray O'Hair