To be too dissatisfied with ourselves is a weakness. To be too satisfied with ourselves is a stupidity.
Madeleine de Souvre, marquise de SableThe foolish acts of others ought to serve more as a lesson to us than an occasion to laugh at those who commit them.
Madeleine de Souvre, marquise de SableIt is better that great peoples should seek out glory, or even vanity, in their deeds, than that they should remain indifferent . For even if they are not incited to act upon virtuous principles, at least there is the saving grace that they will do things they might not have done had not vanity prompted their actions.
Madeleine de Souvre, marquise de SableStudy and research into truth often only serves to make us see by experience our natural ignorance.
Madeleine de Souvre, marquise de Sable