When a bride insists on telling her lover everything, I suspect she is looking for a father, not a husband.
Madeleine L'EngleFor the things that are seen are temporal, but things that are unseen are eternal.
Madeleine L'EngleOh child, your language is so utterly simple and limited that it has the affect of extreme complication. -Aunt Beast
Madeleine L'EngleI used to feel guilty about spending morning hours working on a book; about fleeing to the brook in the afternoon. It took several summers of being totally frazzled by September to make me realize that this was a false guilt. I'm much more use to family and friends when I'm not physically and spiritually depleted than when I spend my energies as though they were unlimited. They are not. The time at the typewriter and the time at the brook refresh me and put me into a more workable perspective.
Madeleine L'Engle