Are you ready boots? Start Walking.....never look back. # artforfreedom # revolutionoflove
Madonna CicconeI wanted to know why people follow rules blindly, or why girls had to act a certain way and boys didn't. Why could boys ask girls out and girls not ask guys out? Why did girls have to shave their legs and guys didn't? Why did society, like, set everything up the way they did? My whole adolescence was full of unanswered whys. Because they never got answered, I just kept lighting fires everywhere - metaphorically speaking.
Madonna CicconeOne must dare to show what he wants. You have to go and ask for things rather than wait for them to happen.
Madonna CicconeI am not reinventing myself. I am going through the layers and revealing myself. I am on a journey, an adventure that's constantly changing shape.
Madonna Ciccone