This time, it was more of a thought than a feeling, a soft heat that began at her mouth and unfurled through the rest of her.
Maggie StiefvaterDelia was an overbearing cake with condescending frosting, and frankly, I was on a diet.
Maggie StiefvaterCole kissed me.. It was the sort of kiss that would take a long time to recover from. You could take each of our kisses, from the very first moment we'd met and put them on a slide in a microscope, and I was pretty sure what you'd find. Even an expert would see nothing on the first one, and then on the next one, the start of something - mostly outnumbered, easily destroyed - and then more and more until finally this one, something that even the untrained eye could spot. Evidence that we'd probably never be cured of each other, but we might be able to keep it from killing us.
Maggie Stiefvater