His mother had told him that when you looked into the eyes of God at the pearly gates, all the questions you ever had were answered. Ronan had a lot of questions. Waking Glendower might be like that. Fewer angels attending, and maybe a heavier Welsh accent. Slightly less judgment.
Maggie Stiefvaterlook, getting bitten doesn't make you into a monster. It just makes you a wolf. You are what you are. When you're a wolf, or when you're shifting, you don't have human inhibitions, so if you're naturally angry or violent, you get worse.
Maggie StiefvaterI think they're here because I thought they ought to be here," Gansey said. Blue replied sarcastically. "Okay, God.
Maggie StiefvaterAre you high? Why are you never wearing a shirt?" "I sleep naked," Cole said. He put both milk and sugar in my coffee. "As the day goes on, I put on more and more clothing. You should've come over an hour ago.
Maggie Stiefvater