Consciousness is the basis of all life and the field of all possibilities. Its nature is to expand and unfold its full potential. The impulse to evolve is thus inherent in the very nature of life.
Maharishi Mahesh YogiThe search for total knowledge starts from the Self and finds its fulfillment in coming back to the Self, finding that everything is the expression of the Self - everything is the expression of my own Self.
Maharishi Mahesh YogiDecide what you want and don't think of the intermediary conditions. When Nature works for us we should want what we want and Nature will work it out for us.
Maharishi Mahesh YogiJust as a mountain of snow is nothing but water, so also the whole universe is nothing but bliss.
Maharishi Mahesh YogiBy enlivening this most basic level of life, Transcendental Meditation is that one simple procedure which can raise the life of every individual and every society to its full dignity, in which problems are absent and perfect health, happiness, and a rapid pace of progress are the natural features of life.
Maharishi Mahesh YogiSurround yourself with those who are moving very quickly towards Unity. Be in the presence of those who are running forward. Besides the knowledge the Veda, the greatest thing we can do is be surrounded by those who are living and seeking the highest value of life, Brahmi Chetana. This is why yogic flying with groups is so much greater than flying alone. To live and work with others who are moving and aspiring fast towards Unity consciousness is the great force to help you achieve Unity.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi