Now the man on duty used to be changed from time to time. Once one of these men, without giving me the slightest warning, without even asking me to leave the footpath, pushed and kicked me into the street. I was dismayed. Before I could question him as to his behaviour, Mr Coates, who happened to be passing the spot on horseback, hailed me and said: 'Gandhi, I have seen everything. I shall gladly be your witness in court if you proceed against the man. I am very sorry you have been so rudely assaulted.'
Mahatma GandhiSelf-sacrifice of one innocent man is a million times more potent than the sacrifice of a million men who die in the act of killing others.
Mahatma GandhiWe shall make progress towards Swaraj only if we do everything thoughtfully and with understanding.
Mahatma GandhiThe eternal duel between Ormuzd and Ahriman, God and Satan, is raging in my breast, which is one among their billion battlefields.
Mahatma Gandhi