I believe that the sum total of the energy of mankind is not to bring us down but to lift us up, and that is the result of the definite, if unconscious, working of the law of love. The fact that mankind persists shows that the cohesive force is greater than the disruptive force, centripetal force greater than centrifugal.
Mahatma GandhiI still somehow or other fancy that "my philosophy" represents the true meaning of the teaching of the Gita.
Mahatma GandhiThere is no doubt that our last state will be worse than our first, if we surrender our reason into somebody's keeping.
Mahatma GandhiI would bend the knee before the poorest scavenger, the poorest untouchable in India for having participated in crushing him for centuries; I would even take the dust off his feet.
Mahatma Gandhi