It was only in South Africa that I got over this shyness, though I never completely overcame it. It was impossible for me to speak impromptu. I hesitated whenever I had to face strange audiences and avoided making a speech whenever I could. Even today I do not think I could or would even be inclined to keep a meeting of friends engaged in idle talk.
Mahatma GandhiUnless the charkha adds to your ahimsa and makes you stronger every day, your Gandhism is of little avail.
Mahatma GandhiGod in his wisdom circumscribed man's vision, and rightly too, for otherwise man's conceit would know no bounds.
Mahatma GandhiCelebration of Independence Day with great pomp and show was quite appropriate when we were fighting for independence which we had neither seen nor handled. Now we have handled it and we seem to be disillusioned. At least - I am, even if you are not. What are we celebrating today? Surely, not our disillusionment.
Mahatma GandhiSwaraj means, a state such that we can maintain our separate existence without the presence of the English.
Mahatma Gandhi