My notion of democracy is that under it the weakest shall have the same opportunities as the strongest... no country in the world today shows any but patronizing regard for the weak... Western democracy, as it functions today, is diluted fascism... true democracy cannot be worked by twenty men sitting at the center. It has to be worked from below, by the people of every village.
Mahatma GandhiMy mother would tell me that the shortest cut to purification after the unholy touch was to cancel the touch by touching any Mussalman passing by.
Mahatma GandhiNonviolence implies voluntary submission to the penalty for non-co-operation with evil.
Mahatma GandhiWhilst I may not actually help anyone to retaliate, I must not let a coward seek shelter behind nonviolence so-called. Not knowing the stuff of which nonviolence is made, many have honestly believed that running away from danger every time was a virtue compared to offering resistance, especially when it was fraught with danger to one's life. As a teacher of nonviolence I must, so far as it is possible for me, guard against such an unmanly belief.
Mahatma Gandhi